Live Wedding Drawing

Great entertainment for the guests to watch the progress, choose the magical moment to be captured (ceremony, cake cutting, first dance, etc.). I'll set up and sketch the moment unfold in real life. Your final drawing is then matted and put into a protective sleeve for you to take home!


Up to 16x20" pencil sketch completed on the day of your wedding

High quality heavy weight paper

Up to 4 hours of drawing coverage



The Sky that Takes Me Away


After painting on a large 7 Sisters painting, I had a fair amount of beautiful blues, teals, and whites on my palette still so I pulled a fresh canvas and let this sky flow out of me.  The shapes emerged naturally and organically.  I used a lot of medium at first to let the oil bleed and move where it wanted to for the deep blues in between the cloud formations.  Blending happened quickly with a rounded soft brush and lots of white.  Some areas of the painting have thick paint but most of the painting has blended smooth color over canvas.

16×20″ original oil on canvas.  Deep gallery wrapped edges are painted and ready for display.

Shipping set to Local Pick-Up.  If you would like this wonderous sky shipped to you, please send me a message for rates.

1 in stock


Lose the moment with this oasis of a sky.

Skies transport me.  I so often am frozen in my tracks, just watching the sky.  I began collecting snapshots of the sky around me in California for a gallery of reference images.  Sometimes I pull these images and change the colors, combine the skies into one beautiful one, and let them influence my imagination.

Gazing upon this snapshot of a sky takes you away to a special place.  A place without worries.  A dynamic windswept place.

16×20″ original oil on canvas.  Deep gallery wrapped edges are painted and ready for display.

Additional information

Weight 8 oz
Dimensions 28 × 4 × 22 in
Original 16x20"

Oil Painting origianl 16×20" deep gallery wrapped edges.

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San Luis Obispo Live Wedding Painter, Modern Artist, Fine Art Painter, Photographer and Creative. Based in Atascadero serving San Luis Obispo County and beyond.
